Learning is organised through the key stages and the ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥ pathways Ìý


On entry to the school students are placed in pathways matched to their level of cognition and learning, communication and interaction and physical and sensory needs. As a student moves through the school, we utilise a range of academic and holistic assessment criterion to determine their appropriate pathway.  The pathway offered is dependent on the degree and complexity of the students’ identified need/diagnosis.  Ìý


Boy holding a sheet of symbols

Pathway 3


This pathway is designed for students to develop as learners and individuals by exploring the world around them in a sensory and holistic way.   Ìý Ìý

Students on this pathway have a highly individualised curriculum and spend most of their time with their class teacher and staff team.  Their days are carefully planned and segmented into short periods of time where they learn through sensory experiences about different aspects of the world around them.  Ìý

Important emphasis is focussed on developing communication, daily routines, self-regulation and promoting individual independence.    Ìý

 This highly individualised curriculum focusses on the areas of communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social and emotionalÌýhealthÌýand physical/sensory needs. This promotes meaningful experiences and therapeutic input that enable students to develop independence and succeed in school and the world around them. Ìý


Pathway 2


Pathway 2 retains a large sensory element. Students are more independent, apply more time developing their knowledge of different subjects, for example English, Maths, Vocational Studies, Science and Technology and Creative and Cultural Learning.  Ìý

Some of their classes may be taught by specialist teachers. In Key Stage 4& 5 students are afforded the opportunity to choose subject options for example Art and Science and Technology Ìý

This creative cross curricular curriculum enables students to gain and practice functional skills in preparation for the next phase of education and adult life, enabling students to communicate, make choices, transferÌýskillsÌýand maximise independence skills. Ìý


Pathway 1


Pathway 1 students are predominantly taught by specialist teachers. All students will have a class tutor who carefully oversees their academic learning and holistic well-being. Independent work is promoted, and greater opportunity is provided for self-study skills. Ìý

Students in key stage 4& 5 are encouraged to take on roles of responsibility within the school, such as supporting at lunchtime clubs and helping to run the library.  Ìý

 Students have access to a range of accreditation opportunities in a variety of different subjects. However, there is a significant emphasis placed on continuing to develop independent living skills and employability skills. Ìý Ìý

Pathway 1 students access a creative and functional curriculum that prepares them for adulthood, developing their ability to apply knowledge, solve problems and develop skills for life,ÌýstudyÌýand work beyond ¾ÅÐãÖ±²¥. This is achieved through appropriate challenge and qualification routes. Ìý

Pathways 3 text ASD on yellow bckground
Pathway 3 PMLD text on blue background
Pathway 2 text on purple background
Pathway 1 text on green background